Can the Landlord and Tenant Board help me if my landlord harasses me, or doesn’t respect my privacy?


You have the right to use and enjoy your home. Your landlord is not allowed to harass you, threaten you, or invade your privacy. For example, your landlord should not threaten to evict you without a good reason, call you racist names, sexually harass you, threaten to cut off a vital service such as electricity or water, or come into your place except when the law allows them to.

If your landlord or someone working for your landlord does any of these things, there are steps you can take to try to stop the harassment or get your landlord to respect your privacy.

If your landlord won’t stop their behaviour, you can apply to the Landlord and Tenant Board.

If the Board finds that your landlord has not been following the law, the Board can order your landlord to stop the behaviour.

The Board can also order your landlord to compensate you by paying you money or reducing your rent.

You must follow the right steps to get the Board to hear your case. And you will have to show evidence to the Board to prove that there is a problem.

Time limit

It is best to apply to the Board within one year after the problem started. The Board can only give you money for problems going back one year before you applied. For example, if the harassment stopped after 6 months and you apply to the Board 10 months after that, you can only get compensation for two months.

The Board will look separately at each problem to figure out whether you have applied in time.